Idag bjöd Andreas mig på Kaffeost!
Det smakade typ som ostkakan man äter i Hälsingland (inte som frödingeostkaka utan lite mer gnisslig) och så plumsade man i det i sin kaffekopp och åt upp det efter en stund!
Mycket gott. Tack Andreas!
A couple of days ago Andreas went to Lisebergs christmas market and bought Coffeecheese, and today he offered me to try some! It tastes like cheese cake from Hälsingland (up north in sweden). You sliced it to pieces and then held it onto your coffee. After a while you could eat the cheesecubes with a spoon.
It was really good! Thanx Andy!
Det smakade typ som ostkakan man äter i Hälsingland (inte som frödingeostkaka utan lite mer gnisslig) och så plumsade man i det i sin kaffekopp och åt upp det efter en stund!
Mycket gott. Tack Andreas!
A couple of days ago Andreas went to Lisebergs christmas market and bought Coffeecheese, and today he offered me to try some! It tastes like cheese cake from Hälsingland (up north in sweden). You sliced it to pieces and then held it onto your coffee. After a while you could eat the cheesecubes with a spoon.
It was really good! Thanx Andy!
